lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

History of the Pacific Alliance Post 2 of 4

The Pacific Alliance was created by the four actual member countries in 2011. Since then, the Alliance has been growing in terms of the relationship between the Partners, cooperation, trade and global impact. Here are the main events that have marked its evolution process:

April 28: The presidents of Chile, Colombia Mexico and Peru agreed in the Lima Declaration to establish the Pacific Alliance.
December 4: 2nd Pacific Alliance Summit in Merida, Mexico. The presidents agree to sign within six months a Framework Agreement.

February 8: Signature of the Declaration of Cooperation between Promotion Agencies (Proexport, ProChile, ProMexico and PromPeru)
March 5: 3rd Summit (virtual). Costa Rica becomes an observer state.
April 23-24: Scientific researchers meeting in Mexico City.
June 6: 4th Summit in Antofagasta, Chile. Members sign the Framework Agreement of the Pacific Alliance.
August 24: Signature of the General Regulation of the Academic and Student Mobility Platform.
August 29: Ministers of Trade sign in Mexico City the Touristic Cooperation Agreement. The Business Council of the Pacific Alliance is established.
November 17: 5th Summit in Cadiz, Spain. Mexico waives the visa requirement for citizens of Colombia and Peru. Australia, Canada, Spain, New Zealand and Uruguay become observer states. 

January 27: 6th Summit in Santiago de Chile. Presidents agree to continue working on trade negotiations. 
May 21: Peru waives the temporary businessmen visa requirement for Mexico, Chile and Colombia.
May 22: Foreign Affairs Ministers sign the Agreement for the Establishment of the Cooperation Fund of the Pacific Alliance.
May 23: 7th Summit in Cali, Colombia. Costa Rica starts accession process to the Pacific Alliance. Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Honduras, Paraguay, Portugal and Dominican Republic become observer states.
June 19-20:  First Business Roundtable of the Pacific Alliance in Cali. Participation of 700 exporters and importers of the four countries.
June 29-30: Colombia waives the temporary businessmen visa requirement for Peru. China, South Korea, USA and Turkey become observer states. 
August 23-24: First Meeting of Finance Ministers.
August 26: Meeting of the Ministers Council. Announcement of the conclusion of trade negotiations.
September 25: Presidents of the Pacific Alliance participate in a Business Panel in New York.
November 2: Germany, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Switzerland become observer states. 

January 9-10: Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting in Mexico city. Discussion of free circulation of people, cooperation and involvement with Asia.
February 10: 8th Summit in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Presidents sign the Additional Protocol of the Framework Agreement, which will remove the tariffs on 92% of the products immediately and the other 8% gradually (in 17 years). Finland, India, Israel, Morocco and Singapore become observer states. 

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