lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

Foreign Direct Investment 2013 in Mexico

In 2013, the foreign direct investment (FDI) in Mexico amounted to 35.19 billion dollars, representing 178% more than the previous year (12.66 billion dollars) and being the highest since 2000. 

As you can appreciate in the table, almost the half of the FDI in 2013 were new investments, which indicates the importance that the country has acquired due to domestic structural reforms, industry competitiveness and growth of the Mexican and neighboring markets.

In the next image, you can see in which part of the country the FDI is made:

Other aspect that should be mentioned is that most of the investment is done in the industry, mainly in manufacturing, while in the area of services prevail trade and temporary accommodation services.

Historically since 2000 the country, which has invested the most, is the USA (47.6% of the total amount) and is followed by some European countries, such as Netherlands and Spain. But in 2013 the Mexican market attracted attention from other countries: Belgium became the main origin of FDI and an Asian economy is among the five most important sources.

All this data is consistent with international surveys done by the OECD and the UNCTAD.

On the one hand, the survey of the OECD shows that in 2013 the participation of Mexico in the inflow of FDI worldwide was 2.9%; that means, Mexico was the 9th country with more FDI only after China, USA, Russia, Canada, Brazil, UK, Ireland and Australia. On the other hand, the UNCTAD informed that according to the investment prospects, in 2015 Mexico would be the 7th most attractive country for FDI. 

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